FAU-G Launched by nCore games

 FAU-G game-

In India, when govt. ban Pubg game which was running with some of it's part from china FAU-g brought a new hope for a lot of gamer and YouTube streamers to have a multiplayer battle royal game like Pubg. Meanwhile Pubg was planning to plant a new server in India and to launch a new version of the game named Pubg India but it still on pending due to Indian govt.  

Pubg mobile-

Player Unknown Battle ground is a multi player game in which people connect through the game and 100 players in single game trying to survive till the last, winner will get a chicken dinner in the game. Game has solo, duel and squad (4 player in one team) mode for battle and for practice there is Team death match (TDM).

Pubg had a huge user base in India till September 2020 after that it got banned in India. Pubg corp. is an Korean game company and for Pubg mobile version it use Tencent server which was Chinese and India was facing with some issue with china in that period of time and take a step to ban some Chinese app including Tik-Tok and other Alibaba company apps.

Pubg game and FAU-G game

FAU-G game released in India on Republic day 26 of January by nCore games. 20 percent of the revenue will be donated to the Trust "BHARAT KE VEER" India's Braveheart.

Game has three mode "Story mode, TDM and free for all. But only story mode is available for now. nCore will keep updating the game day by day till then enjoy the game.

FAU-G game launched by nCore india

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