Best and most useful internet browser to fresh start in 2021

 Most of people use their half of time in a day using browser surfing internet for many proposes, some for downloading and some for gathering information and according to their taste all have their own list from best to worst browsers.

Here we are with the top list of useful and best selected web browsing apps-

Google Chrome--

google chrome is most popular web browser well known for its easy interface and stylish features. It was released in 2008, since then chrome is maintaining its position among its user. It support on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Chrome OS.

Mozilla Firefox--

Mozilla Firefox is an easy to use browser. It was released in 2002. It has some basic and new features like better recommendation, enhanced tab management, a new task manager and many more. It support on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Chrome OS.

Microsoft edge--

Microsoft edge can run almost all of Google chrome extensions. It start being popular in window 10, it has a lot of new features which helps edge to compete with other browsers. It support on Windows7/8/10,Aandroid, IOS, MAC OS.


Opera was released in 1995. After success of google chrome opera was lost somewhere but with its improving and updating features opera has a separate fan base. People consider it as a good alternative for Firefox. It support on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Chrome OS.


Safari was released in 2003 developed by Apple. Some of its features like page load quickly, allow private browsing and advanced safety features are quite interesting. It support on Windows7/8/10,windows vista.

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