Cyber crime, Fraud account transfer

 In the time of digital India hackers are growing there roots with more speed and we need to be alert at any point of time when fraud happened to us or our belongings.

Cyber crime, Fraud account transfer, money deducted, Hackers

Here we will discuss some important tips and precautions to avoid these types of threats and fraud.

  • Never search for any service center contact no. on Google. Many frauds took place when someone contact to customer care by the number provided on some fake websites. 

  • For any doubt regarding your failed transactions Raise a dispute within the application that was used for payment.

  • Never share your ATM pin and CVV to other person.

  •  Change your ATM pin at certain periods like every month.

  • Never use any type of link provided by someone through message or other medium.

  • Do not scan any QR code to for free money or lucky draw.

  • If any friend demand or request money from social media or text message never trust him and without verification don't send money.

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