Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration, Whatsapp policy update

 Battlegrounds Mobile India-

Through you tube channel Battlegrounds Mobile India has launch its pre-registration date which is 18th of may.

Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration, Whatsapp policy update

People of India again go crazy after knowing that preregistration is in the month of may, it means the game is going to launch soon.

WhatApp new update about its policy-

whatsapp had given there users some extra time to accept the new policy which was about its sharing users data to parent company Facebook, by changing the deadline from 8 feb to 15th of may now the deadline is going to over and some people are still confused.

Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration, Whatsapp policy update

Now we found on whtasApp FAQ section that after 15 may no account will be deleted but some of function will be limited for users who have not accepted new policy yet, like they won't be able to see their chat list and no video or audio calls etc.

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